Yummy Apple Muesli

This is the season for delicious things, this is a recipe for my favorite müsli with a crunchy feel free to exchange ingredients for your favorites.

3 dl buckwheat Bovete
3 dl millet flakes Hirsflingor
6 dl oatmeal Havregryn
1.5 dl sunflower seeds Solrosfrön
0.5 dl flaxseed Linfrön
1 dl almond (hazelnut) copped Mandel eller nötter

Soak the buckwheat in 1 litre of water overnight.

Rinse and drain the buckwheat

Mix all ingredients above in a large bowl, solve sugar in 0.5 dl of water and sprinkle in the bowl, mix it with you hands. Place it on two oven plates with baking sheets, it is supposed to be lumpy. sprinkle with cardamom and cinnamon. dry in oven at 125ºC until it is completely dry

cardamom Kardemumma
cinnamon Kanel
3 tbs raw cane sugar Råsocker

When the roasting is finished and the fruit.

0.5 dl raisins (sultanas) Sultan russin
Apple chips Äppelchips